• 6 min read

What you need to know about the React useEvent Hook RFC

Things you should know about React's upcoming useEvent hook

A kitten
Indermohan Singh

Developer Advocate @Dynatrace

In JavaScript, you can compare if two values are equal using the identity operator, which is also called strict equality. For example, in the following code, you’re comparing value a with b:

a === b; // strict equality or indentity operator

The result is a Boolean value that tells you if value a is equal to b or not.

For primitive data types, the comparison is made using actual values. For instance, if the a = 10, and b = 10, the identity operator will return true.

Like objects and functions, complex values are a reference type. Even if they have the same code, two functions are not equal. Take a look at the following example where the identity operator will return false:

let add = (a, b) => a + b;
let anotherAdd = (a, b) => a + b;
console.log(add === anotherAdd); // false

However, if you compare two instances of the same function, it returns true:

let thirdAdd = add;
console.log(add === thridAdd); // true

In other words, the thirdAdd and the add are referentially equal.

Table of contents

  • Why is referential equality important in React?
  • The useEvent Hook
  • Implementing the useEvent Hook from RFC

Why is referential equality important in React?

It’s important to know this concept. Different functions with the same code are often created in React. Look at the following code:

function AComponent() {
// handleEvent is created and destroyed on each re-render
const handleEvent = () => {
console.log("Event handler");
// ...

React destroys the current version of the handleEvent function and creates a new version each time AComponent re-renders.

Where is this a problem?

This is not every efficient in certain cases. Imagine that you have the following scenarios:

  • If you use a hook like useEffect that take such event handler in its dependency array
  • A memoized component accepts such an event handler.

In both of these scenarios, you actually want to maintain a single instance of the event handler. But every time a re-render happens, you get a new instance of the function and it furthermore affects the performance by either re-rendering a memoized component or by firing the useEffect callback.

You can easily solve this by using useCallback Hook, as shown below:

function AComponent() {
const handleEvent = useCallback(() => {
console.log("Event handled");
}, []);
// ...

The useCallback Hook memoizes the function, meaning that whenever a function is called with unique input, the useCallback Hook saves a copy of the function. Therefore, if the input doesn’t change during re-render, you get back the same instance of the function.

But, the moment your event handler depends on a state/prop, the useCallback Hook creates a new handler function each time prop/state changes. Take a look at the following:

function AComponent() {
const [someState, setSomeState] = useState(0);
const handleEvent = useCallback(() => {
console.log('log some state: `, someState);
}, [someState]);
// ...

Now, the function will not be created each time ACompnent is re-rendered. But if someState changes, it will create a new instance of handleEvent even when the definition of function remained the same.

Feeling defeated? No worries.

The useEvent Hook

This is exactly what useEvent is trying to solve. You can use the useEvent Hook to define an event handler with always stable function identity. In other words, the event handler will be referentially the same during each re-render.

In other words, the event handler will have the following properties:

  • The function will not be re-created each time prop or state changes.
  • The function will have access to the latest value of both prop and state.

This is how you would use it:

function AComponent() {
const [someState, setSomeState] = useState(0);
const handleEvent = useEvent(() => {
console.log('log some state: `, someState);
// ...

Since the useEvent makes sure that there is a single instance of a function; you don’t have to provide any dependencies.

Implementing the useEvent Hook from RFC

The following example is an approximate implementation of useEvent Hook from RFC.

// (!) Approximate behavior
function useEvent(handler) {
const handlerRef = useRef(null);
// In a real implementation, this would run before layout effects
useLayoutEffect(() => {
handlerRef.current = handler;
return useCallback((...args) => {
// In a real implementation, this would throw if called during render
const fn = handlerRef.current;
return fn(...args);
}, []);

Let’s understand it in a bit more detail.

The useEvent Hook is called with each render of the component where it is used.

With each render, the handler function is passed to the useEvent Hook. The handler function always has the latest values of props and state because it’s essentially a new function when a component is rendered.

The useLayoutEffect Hook inside the useEvent Hook is also called with each render and changes the handlerRef to the latest values of the handler function.

In the real version, the handlerRef will be switched to the latest handler functions before all the useLayoutEffect functions are called.

The final piece is the useCallback return. The useEvent Hook returns a function wrapped in the useCallback Hook with an empty dependency array([]). This is the reason why the function always has the stable referential identity.

You might then ask how this function always has the new values of props and state? If you take a closer look, the anonymous function used for the useCallback Hook uses the current value of the handlerRef. This current value represents the latest version of the handler because it is switched when the useLayoutEffect is called.

When shouldn’t you use the useEvent Hook?

There are certain situations where you shouldn’t use the useEvent Hook. Let’s understand when and why.

  • You can’t use functions created with the useEvent can’t be used during rendering. For example:
function AComponent() {
const getListOfData = useEvent(() => {
// do some magic and return some data
return [1, 2, 3];
return <ul>
{getListOfData().map(item => <li>{item}</li>}

The above code will fail.

Unmounting useEffect vs. useLayoutEffect

The unmounting useEffect and the useLayoutEffect will have a different version of the useEvent handler. Take a look at the following example:

function Counter() {
const [counter, setCounter] = React.useState(0);
const getValue = useEvent(() => {
return counter;
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
return () => {
const value = getValue();
console.log("unmounting layout effect:", value);
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
const value = getValue();
console.log("unmounting effect:", value);
return (
Counter Value: {counter}
<button onClick={() => setCounter(counter + 1)}>+</button>

If you run this program, you’ll see the unmounting useLayoutEffect has old version of the getValue event handler. Here is the Stackblitz example for you to check: https://react-ts-uuk4dv.stackblitz.io


Although the useEffect Hook isn’t yet available for use, it is definitely a promising development for React developers. In this article, we explored the logic behind the useEffect Hook, reviewing the scenarios in which you should and shouldn’t use it.

It’s definitely worth keeping an eye on the useEffect Hook, and I’m looking forward to eventually being able to integrate it into my applications. I hope you enjoyed this article. Happy coding!